Architecture Review

The Economic Development Commission makes architecture and design recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission as to whether the proposed building is a good “fit” for the area of Middlebury in which it will be situated. However P&Z has the final authority over building design.

It is not the duty of EDC to review building technical specifications, although it does like to see them to understand dimensions and setbacks, etc.

But it is EDC’s duty to get an idea of what the building will look like in its setting, after construction.

EDC needs to see a visualization of the building from one or two perspectives that illustrate the colors to be used, building materials, landscaping, sidewalks, driveways, curb cuts, shrubbery, etc., with background representative of the actual surroundings.

See Renderings for examples of previous submissions.

Perspective drawings do not need to be expensive, and a pencil sketch could be sufficient if enough detail is supplied.

If you are submitting site plans to the Planning and Zoning Commission, EDC will need to see the ones that show the relationship between what already exists, and what it is that you are planning to build. We need to see property lines, fences, stone walls, parking, utilities, hydrants, driveways, curb cuts, lighting, plantings, colors, materials, and signage.

  1. The Commission’s goal is to foster long term economic development by encouraging excellence in building design. Fostering architectural harmony within the town’s seven commercial districts by embracing our traditional New England character (as it has evolved over the last 210 years) and thereby creating a pleasing business environment that encourages visitation and increased patronage.
  2. It is also the goal of the Commission to minimize the impact of stark transitions between business and industrial districts to adjoining residential areas. The Commission believes that such transitions between different zones can be best accomplished through an increased utilization of the New England style of architecture.
  3. All applications for new construction, substantial additions and renovations of commercial and business structures are strongly encouraged to comply with these guidelines. Businesses in high visibility areas such as Middlebury Center, Middlebury Green, Judd’s Corner, and the Gateway District are encouraged to be particularly mindful of the economic benefit of visual harmony.

Architectural Guidelines

See the Architectural Guidelines used by the commission.